Hey Babes!
NYFW is one of those top events where you get to experience amazing run way collections. Its a time where I am running on lots of caffeine, no sleep , and my super HUSTLE mode.
Since I have been the past 2 times before this , I have understood the process better but let me tell you, its always an adventure. As I told you guys on insta story, I was actually supposed to skip this time and I had no intention of going. I had a trip to Dubai lined up, but that was postponed.
My friend Sharon from @sharonlitz convinced me to go many times but I just was not down. Of course, she finally convinced me and I booked my flight two days before it began, hehe!
Anyways, I was going solo (something I did last time too) so it did not really scare me. I knew I was going to meet up with so many people anyways, a little alone time does not bother me at all! I actually recommend you do this so you can avoid drama, LOL.
So the first day (Feb 8) I got to my hotel at about 10 pm, and I was being hosted by the Bernic NYC. The Bernic NYC is located in midtown so its extremely central and you can get everywhere pretty fast. I also love how there’s coffee shops like Pret a Manger walking distance ( I went on the days, I didn’t rely on postmates).
Anyways, the best part was the room! We had two beautiful balconies and a gorgeous view of the city. Love love love!
The first day was low key since I arrived at 10 pm. I just settled in and decided on some looks and then went off to bed :).
Feb 9

Had to get a quick selfie of my look before the shows :)

Trying to be extra fierce! hehe

All Smiles at NYFW!

A fresh faced makeup & hair look, thanks to my loves @glamsquad.

At the Milly Show with my dear friend @flower.moon :)

Wearing head to toe blush tones! Find outfit details on my instagram – @saffrononrose.

With the designer herself – (Michelle Smith) after the Milly Show.
- So this was my official first day of NYFW! It began with getting glammed up with my favorites at Glam Squad. I am a huge fan of Glam Squad and even use in it in LA at least twice a week. Its a glam on the go service where they come to you! Considering my busy schedule in NYC, this was god sent. I was so glad to be partnering with them during my entire NYFW so we could create fun and fresh makeup / hair looks everyday.
For the first day’s look, I went with a natural and glowy look. These days I’m all about the “less is more” philosophy and I truly prefer the bronze / the glow on myself. The dewy and healthy skin look is also really in right now.
For the hair, we ended up doing half up and half down, I love this look on me because it gives my hair volume but also is something different. We did my signature waves on the bottom half which looked soft and pretty. Perfect with the glowy makeup look!
My first event for the day was joining the Bobbi Brown Team backstage for the Bibhu Mohapatra Show. I met some of the lead makeup artists and talked about what the current trends are for the Bibhu Mohapatra show. I discovered that they were focusing on good skincare and using some pops of color. It was very interesting to see the makeup and hair come together backstage. So thankful to my Bobbi Brown fam for having me!
Next, was the Bibhu Mohapatra Show. These designs were just WOW! Each one was just more beautiful and unique. I know I could rock these pieces, and I want them all. It was a brilliant show and I really enjoyed it! Its also so cool to see an Indian designer kill it on the runway, YAY!
I had a few meetings in between so I ran around the city to those . I don’t wanna bore you guys with that stuff, but it was awesome to schedule PR meetings with brands I really love. Stay tuned for a lot of exciting projects this year!
Another show I attended was the Milly Show, I met a lot of fabulous people at this one and it was so great to network! :)
We had front row seats so we saw everything up close and personal. Milly always outdoes herself and each show is beyond AMAZING! I go every year and this is easily one of my favorites.
Next, I had to run to some showrooms because I was going to be fitted for some events. I always love working with PR Showrooms that match my aesthetic. I will mention one brand that I worked with last year that I got to work with again. Its Saku New York! Their designs are a favorite of mine and literally make me feel like I’m living in a different era. They are so classy and sophisticated. To see some looks with Saku New York, see my instagram!
Alright babes, after all this, my friend Valerie arrived from Boston just in time for a late lunch. She is the sweetest and we have been besties since UCLA days. We went to Bluestone Lane for some yummy avocado toast and lattes.
Soon we headed back to the hotel to drop all my stuff off! I had done quite a few meetings and PR pulls so you can imagine how heavy my stuff got. I could barely walk, LOL!
There were a few more events that day that I had invites to, but I was beyond exhausted at this point and I knew the next day I had a 5 am wake up call.
I just decided to get dinner, and relax for a bit before hitting the hay and had to unfortunately skip out on those events!
Feb 10

I had to get a selfie because my hair & makeup was so on point again. Thanks to my babes @glamsquad.

How fun were my # OOTD details? :)

How fun is my outfit! I was inspired to bring out some wild colors because thats why I had seen on the runway too!

Having a blast with my girl Valerie! Looking for some yummy rainbow bagels. #priorities
So this day began super early! I was literally on my grind and workflow. You guys, I never usually wake up before 10 am, so this was an achievement, haha.
I had to wake up at 5 am because I was going to get glammed up by Glam Squad and then shoot some fashion week looks .
I decided to go with a sultry makeup look for today (which I kinda regret), I don’t think it was my best, tbh. But you learn what looks best on you so its not a biggie :)
I also did a top knot, which again, I don’t think looked amazing but I’m so happy my instagram fam approved.
Side note- stay away from top knots. LOL.
The shoot was super successful! It was cold outside (of course) but it wasn’t so crowded and we shot 5 looks. That was so productive and I was so glad to knock them all out. The photos turned out pretty amazing too!
So I had a show that morning, but had to skip since the photoshoot ended around 930.
Instead we went for breakfast (some rainbow bagels!) and then headed to the Maybelline event. We heard Desi and Katy talk about their insider makeup tips which were so helpful. You guys, I know I need to get on those makeup tutorials soon but I don’t wanna do anything till I’m perfect at it! Sorry, perfectionist issues lol.
That event was so lovely and after wards we left and it was RAINING!
I had a few more shows and events to go to, but the rain was pretty annoying so we decided to just chill out for awhile and not over do it for the day.
Plus this was my last day with Valerie so we wanted to explore NYC together a bit!
We ended with dinner on a positive note at Pietro Nolita – where you can find gluten free Italian food, a beautiful pink aesthetic, and hot people ;).
Feb 11

Ahh! This look was a favorite. I felt proud to get photographed so much at NYFW :)

Wow! Look how cool the presentation was, and the looks were on another level.

The Tanya Taylor presentation was goals. Literally need every piece. So chic!

At the Tibi show with my girl @quartzandleisure. Guess what? My phone died lol.

Fun at Arlo Hotels with my NYFW Squad.
This day was so incredible and I did not even know it was going to be this good!
I ended up heading over to DryBar to get my hair done, and then to Hour glass Cosmetics for my makeup. Chanel slayed my face. She gave me the perfect glow and I left with a bunch of amazing goodies that I can’t wait to share with you :) .
I met up with my girl, @westvillagewasp (Leckie) who I’ve been friends with from previous fashion weeks.
We ended up going to Tibi Backstage together with Aveda, and then going to Tanya Taylor Presentation.
OMG – Tibi was just phenomenal. I go to this one every year so I have learned to appreciate it even more. Its one you can’t miss. Each design is so unique and out of the box.
Also, thanks to my Aveda fam for having me backstage, they are always the sweetest.
After Tibi, we went to the Tanya Taylor Presentation which was done so creatively. The looks were so on point and the layout was to die for too. We really loved the beautiful display and every piece the models had adorned.
Afterwards there was an event at Arlo Hotels, so we decided to stop by for a bit. It was super cute with many goodies, music and a cocktail bar – the stuff bloggers go cray cray for.
And then it was night time at this point, so I decided to grab a quick dinner and just call it a day! Did I mention it was also pouring rain? This was one of the reasons I had to cut my days short. I had recently recovered from sickness and a fever on my last trip so I wanted to take extra good care of myself.
Yeah..the pouring rain always makes me wanna be cozy and in bed. So thats it for the highlights on Feb 11 :)
Feb 12
Okay so today was the day filled with meetings. I was on hustle mode during my entire trip. The latest I woke up on my trip was like 7 AM, usually I was up by 5 am, chugging coffee, planning outfits, vlogging everything, layering up, running to get my hair and makeup done , you get the point. But no regrets and YES I would do it all over again.
I don’t come to NYFW for the fashion – I love fashion and its changed my life because thats how I got started with Saffron on Rose. But I come for the NYC vibes – New York pushes me to work harder and be my best self. It may sound silly, but when people around you are chasing their dreams, it fuels your fire too. And thats what NYC did for me, I love fashion but what I love even more is getting inspired by people of all walks of life so I can push my boundaries and come out of my comfort zone, and live life to the fullest!
So I’ll be honest , this is my favorite part about NYFW. I love being able to meet the amazing brands that I have worked with or want to work with in the future.
Its a great time to network and just get to know the brand better and what they are looking for.
So I had about 4 meetings on this day, so it was pretty successful :) I shared a tiny bit on insta stories but I mostly like to keep this stuff a surprise you all can stay tuned for whats to come next!
As usual, I had my my makeup done by Glam Squad but this time I had my hair done at the Tresemme Salon Pop Up inside of Spring Studios. That was a great experience and we went with a side braid and tousled waves :)
Feb 13
Another full day of meetings and events!
It was awesome though and I did get to sneak in trying a few of my favorite eats :)
I was able to spend time in Soho and also try out Dig Inn, which is super yummy.
Feb 14

Ahhh! I loved my visit to Ion Studio NYC. How good does my hair look?!
My last day of fashion week! It may seem like I did not do a lot, but I left out a lot of the boring stuff for you guys and just tried to share the highlights, hehe. Hope you don’t mind but if you do have questions please message me!
I spent my day getting my hair done at Ion Studio NYC.
I highly recommend this place to you babes if you are ever in NYC. They did such a amazing job with my hair. I got highlights, and a fresh cut with layers :)
This was definitely a highlight of my trip because that hair cut was much needed.
Make sure to go check out this hip and trendy salon in Soho if you are in NYC, make sure you tell them Alisha from Saffron on Rose sent you there.
Okay so after my hair transformation, I went to check out Sadelles and Birch Coffee.
I always get a gluten free bagel sandwich at Sadelles which is to die for.
Birch Coffee has some chill vibes and surprisingly friendly people. Get the oat milk latte, thank me later.
Be sure to check these cute cafes out on your next visit to NYC.
I rushed back to the hotel after this, and got my bags and then left for the airport. It took an hour to get to the airport so I am so happy I left early.
It was such a phenomenal trip and each time New York City amazes me :)
The energy and vibes in the city make me wanna hustle even more and reach for my dreams. I know I’ll be back soon!!
Hope you guys enjoyed this little NFYW recap. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
WOW the rose has a new post! What a rare and wonderful surprise. The Tibi show looked so amazing, wish I went. Glad you came and had fun <3 – Sharon
Thanks Sharina!
Very nicely summarized. Thanks Alisha!
Thanks for reading!